Translation of the video:
I think I was born in a wrong period of time.
I miss the tragic, the epic, the beautiful...
I believe we'd love death and die loving.
I believe in the beautiful of the epic...
'cause there is no light without dark and happyness without pain..
And the fact that we can live without love is an agony
So what to live for...
I think we should live for dreamming, loving and creating.
Because the only things that are able to defeat death and hopeless are the art and love.
Fortunate is the barely sentient tree
And more so the hard stone that is without feeling
For there is no pain greater than that of living
And no greater sorrow than a life of knowing
(Translate by AntGomez)
*Quotes are from The following (about Poe's thought)
Creo que nací en una época equivocada pues
extraño lo trágico, lo épico y lo bello
Yo creo en el amor a la muerte y en el morir por amor,
en la belleza de lo épico...
Porque no hay luz sin oscuridad ni felicidad sin dolor
Y el solo hecho de vivir sin amor es una agonía.
Entonces, ¿para qué vivir?
Vivir para soñar, amar y crear
...porque lo único que puede vencer a la muerte y desesperanza es el arte y el amor.
Dichoso el árbol que es apenas sensitivo
y mas la piedra dura porque esa ya no siente
porque no hay dolor más grande que el dolor de ser vivo
ni mayor pesadumbre que la vida consciente.
(Ruben Darío)
*Las citas son de The Following - serie- (sobre el pensamiento de Edgar Allan Poe)
Thanks for watching!
Delirare Video


Delirare Video

Its a video about me and what I think about life and living... how I am, not only as a designer or graphic artist, its about how I am in general. Read More
